Resource: SWIFT sexual harassment guide

A while ago, a friend named Cassidy Parker and I embarked on developing a handbook for an organisation called Sisters Working in Film and Television (SWIFT).

The women in the organisation did research in 2017 on sexual discrimination and harassment in the film and TV industries that indicated that a startling 66.7% of womxn feel unsafe in the workplace.

In 2018, the NFVF partnered with SWIFT to produce the report Gender Matters in the South African Film Industry, in order to explore the role played by women in the SA audiovisual sector and quantify their total participation.

SWIFT has taken a leading role in asking production companies and all industry players to formally adopt its Code of Good Practice. Based on the model supported by the Department of Labour and the CCMA, it can be appropriately adapted to any organisation specifically.

Cassidy and I worked on the SWIFT Sexual Harassment Guide, which can be downloaded here. It took a lot of work to get this in the shape it is and a lot of love went into it from all people who worked on it.

Thank you to SWIFT and Cassidy who made this possible and for producing such an excellent resource.